You have gone through all the details by choosing the date, the locations, the venue… and now you are looking for someone to capture this one special and unrepeatable day… in an artistic storytelling style. You do not want staged poses, artificial postures or awkward portraits. Your human spirit wants you to cherish every moment of your wedding day and in doing so create authentic, soulful and timeless memories. Yes, I share this same vision with you.
Each of my images will serve as a tribute to the memory of your unique love story and of your true self. Through my journalistic style, I will visually narrate your story through the emotions and feelings of the day. When you go back to these images I want you to re-experience the unforgettable moments you had first cherished. I want you to be able to re-live the day you had been so longing for… these memories are meant to be authentic and eternal.